GODAWARI UDYOG identifies its duties as laid out under the Food Safety Regulations. It is the policy of this company to show due diligence as suppliers to the food industry. GODAWARI UDYOG will take all reasonable care to prevent contamination of products through physical, chemical and microbiological cross contamination.
Personal Hygiene:
All persons working in direct contact with food contact surfaces, and food packaging materials conform to hygienic practices while on duty to the extent necessary to protect against contamination of food.
Building & Facility:
The location of the premises is such that adjacent and adjoining buildings, operations and land use do not interfere with safe and hygienic operations.
All equipment and pipe lines are so designed and are of such material and workmanship as to be adequately cleanable, and are properly maintained. The design, construction and use of equipment preclude the adulteration of food with lubricants, fuel, metal fragments, contaminated water, or any other contaminants.